The Sheep
The Sheep is a symbol of social success and a good career. Generally, a Sheep is elegant, charming and creative. However, they are the most moody amongst all of the Chinese Horoscope signs.

Sheeps are very romantic, gentle caring and endearing but a tad bossy. A Sheep tends to be quiet, restful, patient, artistic, adaptable and gentle.

They are easy going, make friends easily, gentle, compassionate and affectionate. A Sheep tends to dislike strict discipline, are fond of children and most of all artistic, creative and fashionable. They also enjoy comfort and love of the home and this is where they really feel safe.
On the negative side, a Sheep is extremely sensitive and will take comments very personally. They are also dreamers and on occasion are pessimistic and worry for nothing. They can also be lazy and are indecisive. They are also poor in business as they are disorganized but do make good craftsman, artists or writers. A Sheep can be moody at times, fear taking the initiative and can be gloomy at times. Sheep like to be loved and hates to be pushed around.